Friday, May 28, 2010

Im a total pro at slacking off...

Has it really been almost 2 months since I last posted on this here thingy... Apparently I've been busy (or easily distracted... hey glitter!)

Anyways, April was Avery's "gymnastics" class. Really they just called it Wiggly Giggly... and I wouldn't really call it a class, so much as it was a congregation of three 19 month old girls trying to do 50 things at once. Oh look a trampo... a ball...a pony...a ball...trampoline...bean BALL!!!

Then came May and Avery's Terrific Two's mommy & me preschool class. Basically herding cats around a class room full of toys and paint and glue and GLITTER!!! (yay sparkly!!) what was I talking about...

Oh, right... So, my collection of baby art projects has begun. Avery seemed to enjoy painting and she definitely LOVES to sprinkle glitter on things, but there was just too much stuff there to distract her so she never sat to paint longer than 30 seconds... Or maybe that is all the time she needed to create her masterpieces.

Avery definitely has a love of music. One of the biggest distractions in the class room was the bin full of cymbals, drums, and bells. She sure can shake a mean bell, we work on that a lot at home because Jingle Bells is one of the few songs I know... What? You don't sing carols all year? It's no secret I love Christmas songs... my ringtone is Dean Martin - Marshmallow World, but I digress...

So, Avery loves music, I love Avery, I need to find a music class for her.

Let's move on...

Isabel of course comes to all of Avery's classes. She isn't much of a participator, but I don't want to push her... She is as cute as ever and can roll from back to tummy and then whine until I roll her back over. She is a good napper, and pretty chill most of the time.

Also, she is a master at spitting up as soon as I put her in her car seat. There is almost nothing I hate more than spit up in a buckle... Oh well, cute people can apparently throw up and poop on you and still be cute.

Totally has enough hair for clippies!!!

We will be in Florida next week. Taking the girls to visit the Grandparents (my Mommy and Daddy) and most importantly FRIZZY (my dog). The Frizz is15 as of April 11th, and may not be with us much longer, so... yeah. That's all I have to say about that right now...

Here is Avery with the best dog ever last May.

And here she is now... 

She is getting so big!!